Mon pere me disait l'autre jour, ''nan, mais ma cherie faut arreter de picoler comme ca...  
ou tu va nous predre une jambe ou quelqu'chose...'' du coup pour me faire pardonner, demain 
je lui ramene une bouteille de pinard que j'ai moi meme vendangés, ...bien nan? 

I love you dad...


un conte de fee par hank: (he's hungover)
A fairy tail of llove with ale, when loves gone stale

(Bon j'ecris tout ce qu'il dit, ca va aller tres vite)
Once upon a time, in a place whewre everybody loved beer, espacially this bunny named bunny.
hwe actually didnt love beer, but like i said he liked beer.
he was not in love with beer he liked the beer...
but the beer loved him...
it was fine at the start they were goiod thoghether
but its liked an open beer on the went sour.
beer wud become obsessive, controling to the point where mr buunny felt trpped
he d seat there looking at beer with a fake smile on his face, beer heard some rumor from the barman wjo also loved beer... souppositely, mr bunny was out with whisky lasrt night...
(bon cest un peu decousu mais je retranscris pele-mele moi....)
a suddenly, like in every good story, he died. And smell!
i want u to be with my friend bob''
beer said: '' i thought you hated bob?'''
and with his dying breathe he said'' ....yes, i do..''

voila ce que ca donne d'ecrire avec la gueule de bois, bravo.


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